
  • Аleksandr Plakhotnyuk Lviv National Franko University, Ukraine



UNESCO International Dance Council, dance, choreographic art, Ukrainian dance culture, dance heritage of humanity, integration of choreographic art, dance theory, body movement practices.


The purpose of the work is to consider the atricaland cultural significance of holding the International Congress of the Dance Councilunder UNESCO in Lviv, to emphasize the key principles of the activity of the International Dance Council and its importance for attracting Ukrainian choreographic art to the world community of dance masters and to pay attention to the expansion of opportunities for the integration of the activities of Ukrainian dance masters into European cultural processes. Methodology of the research consists in applying such methods as objectivity, historicism, comparative and cultural analysis. This methodological approach allows us to discover and analyze cultural models of interaction and the role of the Dance Council of UNESCO. The method of objectivity and historicism makes it possible to trace the prerequisites and the main stages of the formation and development of cooperation between the world community and Ukraine. The comparative method is used in the study of the activities of the international dialogue of peoples and their dance cultures. Scientific novelty of the work liesin expanding of understanding of the role andactivities of the Dance Council of UNESCO in Ukraine, displaying common position sin the sphere of choreographic art and stimulating the representatives of thed ance culture of Ukraine to popularize their activities in the world. Conclusions. So, for the Ukrainian choreographic community, the cooperation with the UNESCO International Dance Council can be outlined in the following conceptual positions: non-profit activity in the field of dance development; preservation of national traditions and culture of the dance art; openness to professionals from around the world and all forms of the dance art; international cooperation required for the development of choreographic science (choreology); investigation of a specific dance market of ideas, sharing knowledge and information; opportunity to engage in self-education as a professional scholar in the field of choreographic art; possibility to develop individual searches, achievements and finds in choreographic art; study of local and international trends related to scientific productivity, and track the main trends in the development and preservation of dance; promote their own ideas and scientific knowledge on choreography both in Ukraine and abroad; presentation to the international audience their unique techniques or innovative research on the topic of dance; involvement in international dance projects; establishing business contacts with the theorists and practitioner sin the field of dance and representatives of the dance traditions from around the globe.

Author Biography

Аleksandr Plakhotnyuk, Lviv National Franko University

Doctor of philosophy, Department of Direction and Choreography


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