
  • Inna Birillo Kyiv University of Culture, Ukraine
  • Liudmyla Vovk Kyiv University of Culture, Ukraine



project, project activity, training of specialists, architectural and design education


The purpose of the article. The main purpose of this research is to reveal the features of the subject "Organization of the project activity" in the process of training future architects and designers in higher education institutions. The methodology of the research consists in application of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization, systematization, classification), empirical methods (observation, questioning, testing, questioning, a discussion in the process of conducting conversations, discussions with teachers and students, studying educational programs). It is based on theoretical positions, in which the project activity is considered not only as artistic, designer activity, but also as a unique set of coordinated works of a given content with a definite life cycle, alternative cost of resources, aimed at achieving the goals in the characteristics of duration and cost. Scientific novelty consists in elucidating the specifics of the organization of the project activity in the preparation of future architects and designers in higher education institutions. Conclusions. During the study of the discipline "Organization of project activity", future architects and designers, developing an architectural design project from the concept, ideas to its successful implementation, provide a systematic link between the fundamental theoretical training of students and their practical activities in the current market conditions of life. Applying the principles of an integrated approach to Architectural Graphic Design with using the toolkit for project analysis in its own project activities and having professional competencies, future specialists will become the most demanded and competitive on the modern labor market.

Author Biographies

Inna Birillo, Kyiv University of Culture

candidate of engineering sciences Associate Professor of the Department of arts

Liudmyla Vovk, Kyiv University of Culture

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations,


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