
  • Majid Sabkara



Abstract. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of structural, communicative and
cognitive capital on entrepreneurial orientations with regard to the role of dynamic capabilities. The statistical population of the research is all the food industry companies that are active in Rasht and number is 64 units andusing Cochran sampling formula, 116 senior executives of these companies were examined using theconveniencerandom method as the final sample of the research.The data collection tool was a questionnaire consisting of 19 items.In order to analyze the collected data, structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis were used.The results of the assumptions revealed that structural and communicative dimensions of social capital have a significant effect on the entrepreneurial orientation of the companies.However, cognitive dimension did not show a significant effect.Also, all aspects of social capital have a significant effect on dynamic capabilities in companiesand dynamic capabilities play the role of a mediator variable.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial orientation, Social capital, Dynamic capabilities, Industrial city.


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