
  • Kamil Arslanov
  • Ilnara Garipova




Abstract. Health care as a set of measures of a political, socio-economic, scientific, medical and legal nature is aimed at preserving, maintaining and improving the health of each person, providing highly qualified and specialized therapeutic and preventive care. The article is devoted to the history of the development of medical law in Russia since the beginning of the 20th century. Scientific research is based on the materials recorded in the domestic and foreign legislative and doctrinal sources. When writing this paper, we used general scientific methods and private scientific (special) methods. We emphasized the importance of progressive development of the legislation in the field of health
care during the Soviet period of historical development. We noted the influence of changes in the public and political life of the state on the legal doctrine and legislation. We substantiated the establishment of medical law as an independent branch of Russian law with regard to the formation of the World Health Organization as a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1946. We confirmed that many special laws were adopted in the field of health care in Russia due to the multifaceted political and socio-economic changes in the society as a whole, as well as the need for Russia's integration into the world community in the 1990s of the 20th century. We indicated that the acceleration in the
formation of modern regulatory framework was put by the law enforcement practice with regard to an increase in the number of civil lawsuits for injury to health when seeking medical assistance, as well as improvement of the legal literacy of the population in the provision of medical services. We described the current state of Russian legislation in the field of health care and public health, consisting of a whole complex of the regulatory legal acts (federal laws (general and special), laws of the constituent entities of Russia and secondary legislation) determining the state policy in the field of health care and public health.
Key words: medical law, health care, history, public health, medical assistance, legislation, the state.


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