
  • Rafail' Valiev
  • Marat Gilyazetdinov



Abstract. In the context of the historical and legal aspect, the article considers the issues of evolution of ethno-political relations in two multi-ethnic states - Russia and Austria. Based on a particular historical basis, we revealed the factors affecting the development of centralization and decentralization processes in the states. A comparative analysis of the history of the development of ethno-political processes in Russia and Austria revealed common and unique historical realities that influenced the level of ethnic tensions in these states. We analyzed the reasons for the rise of ethno-political crises at a particular stage of development. The study of such regional experience in the context of historical development, including a detailed analysis of the regulatory legal acts governing the legal status of various
ethnic groups, of course, makes it possible to build a certain theoretical model of legal regulation of ethno-political relations. With the possibility of the subsequent implementation of some of its principles in the practical aspect of the polity of a multi-ethnic society. According to the authors, such research experience is of practical importance for reducing and overcoming centrifugal tendencies in various states, as well as preventing the development of ethno-political crises through legal regulation by public authorities.
Keywords: bempire, state, federalism, ethnopolitics, ethnic minority, ethnos, people.


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