
  • Mariya Talan
  • Ramil Gayfutdinov



Abstract. In work the criminal precepts of law providing responsibility for computer crimes in narrow sense of this concept i.e. for crimes in the sphere of computer information are considered. As it appeared, such dual approach to definition of computer crimes is inherent not only in the Russian criminal and legal science, but also is fair in the comparative and legal analysis of the foreign legislation. We tried to show it. Responsibility for crimes in the sphere of computer information in the Russian Federation is provided by the Art. of Art. 272, 273, 274 and 274 1 The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in Germany - §§ 202a, 202b, 202c the Criminal code of the Federal German Republic, in France these are Art. 323-1, 323-2, 323-3, 323-3-1, 323-4, 323-4-1, 323-5, 323-6 of the Criminal code of the French Republic. Foreign criminal and legal legislations are of considerable interest to researches and their comparison to the criminal law of
the Russian Federation. The purpose of such comparison is an opportunity to adopt experience of these countries. Let's note that for offers of implementation of various norms, it is necessary to pay attention to law-enforcement practice, social and economic features of this or that country and to consider a practical opportunity.
Keywords: computer crimes, computer fraud, cybercrimes, high-tech crimes, cyber-enabled crime, Russia,
Germany, France.


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