"Choral images" by V. Bibik as the embodiment of the system of the latest musical and artistic means


  • Olena Batovska




articulation, V. Bibik, intonation, notation, the composition of writing, modern academic choral music a cappella, timbre-phonic techniques.


The purpose of the article is to consider the system of the newest musical and artistic means in the cycle of V. Bibik "Choral images". The methodology of the work is the principles of a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach in accordance with modern art studies, which involves such methods as system-structural, genre-style, semantic, choral, comparative, contrastive, performing. The scientific novelty is in the fact that for the first time in the analyzed cycle of V. Bibik's "Choral Images" a system of the latest musical and artistic means was revealed. Conclusions. Analysis of the cycle "Choral paintings" by V. Bibik gives grounds to claim that the system of the newest musical and artistic means is characterized by the following positions: timbre characteristics - sound color, spatial sound, the ratio of the use of mobility and statics, combining the sound of choral layers, the instability of the sound image; degree of innovation - techniques of singing articulation (stroke technique, different ways of pronouncing the text, musical syntax); choral texture (monody, homophony, polyphony, sonorica, pointillism); instrumentalization of choral parts (virtuoso passages, wide jumps of melody, clusters, metrorhythmic difficulties); theatrical techniques.


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Musical art