Research of the impact of the method of heating of heat units on the qualitative characteristics of treated materials




heat-treatment furnace, boundary layer, decarburization, flat-flame burner, temperature control


An analytical method for calculating the chemical potentials of the components of the gas-solid system based on thermodynamic calculations of carbon potentials of the С–О–Н–N gas mixture (combustion products of the methane-air mixture) and the solid phase (alloyed steel) is developed. Dependences describing the influence of the main parameters of heating the medium composition, flow rate, as well as their interaction, on metal losses associated with decarburization are obtained.

Thermodynamic calculations of carbon potentials of alloyed steel and natural gas combustion products of different composition (α=0.2÷1.2), metal and combustion products temperatures of 1,100÷1,500 K are performed.

Based on the analysis of the structure of the thermal and diffusion boundary layers, it is proved that the decrease in the temperature of the layer of combustion product flowing around the solid product and surface flow rate reduces the diffusion flow of carbon in the boundary layer. This effect reduces the decarburization of steel.

It is found that when heating the heat unit according to the principle of indirect radiant heating (IRH) during the operation of the flat-flame burner, the main gas volume, localized at the metal surface, has a temperature significantly lower than the layer adjacent to the lining. This reduces the metal loss with decarburization compared with furnaces of the traditional heating system.

Combustion of gas in flat-flame burners with an intense circulation of combustion products in the working space of the heat unit ensures that the heated products have a uniform composition of combustion products corresponding to a practically equilibrium one. This allows recommending flat-flame burners for widespread use in modern heat-power units in the industry

Author Biographies

Valeriy Nikolsky, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Gagarin ave., 8, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Energetic

Olga Oliynyk, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Gagarin ave., 8, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer-integrated Technologies and Metrology

Andrii Pugach, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University Serhiya Efremova str., 25, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49027

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural Machinery

Oleksandr Alieksandrov, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Gagarin ave., 8, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005

PhD, Senior LecturerDepartment of Applied Mechanics

Olena Gnatko, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Gagarina ave., 8, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005

Senior Lecturer

Department of Applied Mechanics

Yevhenii Chernetskyi, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Gagarin ave., 8, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer-integrated Technologies and Metrology


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How to Cite

Nikolsky, V., Oliynyk, O., Pugach, A., Alieksandrov, O., Gnatko, O., & Chernetskyi, Y. (2018). Research of the impact of the method of heating of heat units on the qualitative characteristics of treated materials. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(6 (96), 37–43.



Technology organic and inorganic substances