Structure of facial brick and lyophilic of his surface


  • Петр Григорьевич Варшавец JSC “Fasad” Krayia 1-B, Kyiv, 02660, Ukraine
  • Валентин Анатолиевич Свидерский National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" Peremoga prosp. 37, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine



ceramics, brick, raw materials, clay, composition, porosity, water absorption, surface, lyophily, properties


The dependence of the kinetics of water saturation and capillary suction of ceramic material on the lyophily of its surface and porosity, connected with the chemical and mineralogical composition of the feedstock, the degree of sintering during firing and phase composition is shown.

Based on the analysis of experimental data, it was concluded that the interaction of ceramic material with water can be determined by the ratio between its composition, structure, degree of defectiveness, energy state of the surface. This is confirmed by quantitative parameters of such indicators as porosity and its nature, water absorption, wetting angle. These properties of the brick material play a crucial role in the processes of diffusion of aqueous solutions and the formation of efflorescence on the surface. In practical terms, these are two interrelated processes, which can proceed in the following sequence: water absorption by the ceramic material its interaction with water-soluble salts formation of saline water solutions diffusion of the latter as a result of the change in gradients of concentration, humidity, temperature.

Author Biographies

Петр Григорьевич Варшавец, JSC “Fasad” Krayia 1-B, Kyiv, 02660

General manager

Валентин Анатолиевич Свидерский, National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" Peremoga prosp. 37, Kyiv, 03056

Dr. Sci. (Tech.), professor


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How to Cite

Варшавец, П. Г., & Свидерский, В. А. (2013). Structure of facial brick and lyophilic of his surface. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10(66), 56–61.