Mathematical model of adjustment stretching shoe leather material with mineral filling




leather, shoes, natural minerals, formation, residual deformation, shape stability, quality


Shoe shape stability is one of the most important indicators of quality which depends primarily on the deformation properties of the skin, its stretching. It is possible to increase shoe shape stability using the technological process of adjustment operations of stretching the skin to optimal values , which are necessary for the production of high quality footwear.

Ductility index influences the percentage of leather waste in the performance of recover and last operations , i.e. material resource saving and cost of shoes. We present a mathematical model of stretching adjustment of the skin with mineral content to accurately calculate the area of parts of the work piece in this paper. The proposed concept of stretching adjustment method involves iterative process of skins preliminary tensile elongation with fixation of each cycle. The physical model of the process has been built, including hydration operations, stretching, drying in a stretched state and relieve of tension. By means of mathematical analysis and the theory of sets, the dependence of the residual elongation size of the researched skins on the degree of hydration of the skin, stretching the size and number of repeated stretching has been found.

Implementation of the correction stretching process of shoe leather will reduce the material and energy resources while improving the competitiveness of shoes. 

Author Biographies

Оксана Петрівна Козарь, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Nemirovich-Danchenko Street, 2, Kyiv, 01011

PhD student Department of Design and Technology of leather products

Віктор Павлович Коновал, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Nemirovich- Danchenko St, 2, Kyiv , Ukraine , 01011


Department of Design and Technology of leather products

Boguslaw Wozniak, Institute of Leather Industry Work Address: 91-462, 73,Zgierska St. Lodz, Poland



Андрій Васильович Оленіч, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Nemirovich- Danchenko St, 2, Kyiv , Ukraine , 01011

Ph.D. in technical sciences , Associate Professor

The department of design and technology of leather


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How to Cite

Козарь, О. П., Коновал, В. П., Wozniak, B., & Оленіч, А. В. (2014). Mathematical model of adjustment stretching shoe leather material with mineral filling. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(6(68), 50–56.



Technology organic and inorganic substances