Synthesis of control systems of technological processes of electric arc melting of cast iron


  • Дмитрий Александрович Дёмин National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Str. Frunze, 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61145, Ukraine



optimal control process, melting, synthesis, control systems, metallurgical processes, furnace


The aim of research is to find a solution to the problem of optimal control of metallurgical processes of electric arc melting of cast iron.

The object of research is the process of electric arc melting.

The Pontryagin’s maximum principle os chosen as research methods.

The formulation and principle of solving the problem of finding the optimal control in terms of speed of the bath heating process and the process of its carburization are described.

A variant of the description of the final state is proposed for the problem of finding the optimal control of the carburization process, which makes it possible to bring the melt to a given chemical composition with respect to carbon and silicon in a minimum time.

It is shown that in the presence of kinetic equations describing the rates of chemical processes in the cast iron melt and at the "melt-slag" interface, it is possible to formulate the problem of synthesizing control systems not only for electrical modes, but also for technological factors that determine the quality of the resulting alloy. This allows, in contrast to the existing approach to the synthesis of the electric arc melting control system, to solve the problem of effective quality control of cast iron according to the selected quality criteria. As the state vector of the control process, a vector can be selected whose components are the essence of the values of state variables – the content of elements of the chemical composition of cast iron. In this case, the results of chemical analysis taken after the charge has melted or after a certain time of holding the melt in the furnace before it is discharged onto the conveyor are selected as the initial state describing the process. The values of the state variables describing the final state of the control process are found as a solution to the optimization problem of determining the chemical composition that provides the maximum indicators of the properties of cast iron, based on mathematical models of the "composition - properties" type.

The results obtained can be used to synthesize the optimal control of electric arc melting processes. In particular, the optimal control of the melt carburization and melt heating obtained in general form provides the possibility of such a control of the melting process, in which the production of cast iron of a regulated optimal chemical composition is carried out in a minimum time.

Author Biography

Дмитрий Александрович Дёмин, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Str. Frunze, 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61145

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Professor

Department of Foundry


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How to Cite

Дёмин, Д. А. (2012). Synthesis of control systems of technological processes of electric arc melting of cast iron. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(10(56), 4–9.