
  • Евгений Иванович Гречуха Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture 4 Didrihsona st., Odessa, 65029, Ukraine, Ukraine



project management, change management, a model for change, cluster analysis


Change management is one of the important functions, which ensures the integrity of a project throughout its life cycle.

The aim of work is to increase the assessment reliability of the situation for the upgrading of the relevancy of taken decisions in the system of change control in the project.

The searching for the consistent patterns or casual dependences is always based on advancement of hypotheses, which contain assumption, requiring the examination. The advanced hypothesis has the explanatory function, that is to determine the possible consequences of the specific reasons, and to describe the conditions under which these consequences are obligatory, in other words explains, by virtue of which conditions this consequence is possible and what is the mechanism of its demonstration.

The cluster analysis includes a set of different classification algorithms, the main point of which is grouping of data into visual structures.

The source data for presented methods of clustering is a set of objects, determined by the vectors of their characteristics in space of descriptions. This type of problems is solved by means of advancement and examination of the heuristic hypotheses with regard to the partition laws of objects' distribution.

One of the heuristic hypotheses aimed at clustering result generation is the compactedness hypothesis.

Author Biography

Евгений Иванович Гречуха, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture 4 Didrihsona st., Odessa, 65029, Ukraine


Department of Management and Project Management


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How to Cite

Гречуха, Е. И. (2013). CHANGE MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE COMPACTEDNESS HYPOTHESIS. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(61), 58–60.



Integrated strategic management, project management and software development companies and territorial