Problem of improvement of standards of tipology of population of Ukraine


  • Iнна Олександрiвна Ручка Ukrainian engineer-pedagogical academy Kharkоv city, Universitetskaya Street, 16, 61003, Ukraine
  • Микола Львович Рябчиков Ukrainian engineer-pedagogical Kharkоv city, Universitetskaya Street, 16, 61003, Ukraine



dimensional typology, construction standards, light industry.


Focus on outdated standards, which do not take into account the peculiarities of modern typology of the population of Ukraine, is one of the urgent problems of light industry, because they can not satisfy increased demands of consumers as to the quality of garments. The process of improvement of existing standards is possible subject to application of both modern means that serve for measurement, and methods of digital and mathematical processing of obtained results. The article examines the basic standards of the light industry, defines consistencies between required and existing norms, which provide performance of a certain stage of modern production. The dependence between the standards prior to the production phase by the general standards, directly the stage of production and standards that the define final result of the stage were determined; the basic categories of construction standards that determine the dimensional parameters and anthropometric measurements, and standards of measurement processing methods were characterized estimated and compared.

Author Biographies

Iнна Олександрiвна Ручка, Ukrainian engineer-pedagogical academy Kharkоv city, Universitetskaya Street, 16, 61003

Graduate student

Speciality «Standardization. Certification and metrology providing»

Микола Львович Рябчиков, Ukrainian engineer-pedagogical Kharkоv city, Universitetskaya Street, 16, 61003

Doctor of engineerings sciences, professor, Head of Department of technologies and Design


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How to Cite

Ручка I. О., & Рябчиков, М. Л. (2013). Problem of improvement of standards of tipology of population of Ukraine. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(61), 44–47.



Information technology