Analytical methods for definition of error function of a model with various parameters


  • Регіна Володимирівна Криваковська Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 15, General Naumov Str. Kiev, 03164, Ukraine



mathematical modeling, the relative error.


The article considers the question of definition of the analytical expression of relative errors for the value of statistical modifications of models of the IAEA and Roberts, depending on the relative errors of measurement of input parameters of models. The relevance of this work is related with the relevance of modeling with low-quality input data. The novelty consists in the definition of expressions to calculate the errors, which will permit to determine the values of the errors of the input parameters, at which the value of the errors of a model is too large, and it is unreasonable to apply it in practice. Also, the expressions of error can be used to determine the level of impact of different types of input data on the simulation result. The work on the determination of errors is a part of the work connected with the unreliability of data in the system of estimation of the atmospheric air.

Author Biography

Регіна Володимирівна Криваковська, Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 15, General Naumov Str. Kiev, 03164

PhD Student,

Department of design automation of energetic units


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How to Cite

Криваковська, Р. В. (2013). Analytical methods for definition of error function of a model with various parameters. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(4(61), 38–43.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects