Determination of o-d matrix variability degree


  • Александр Викторович Россолов Kharkov National Automobile And Highway University Petrovskogo 25, Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine
  • Евгений Владимирович Любый Kharkov National Automobile And Highway University Petrovskogo 25, Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine



correspondence of passengers, combinatorial analysis, origin-destination matrix, conversion cycle, probability.


Represented are the results of a mathematical model construction allowing to estimate the variation level of the origin-destination passengers matrix. The elements of the combinatorial analysis, synthesis, theory of probability and mathematical statistics were used during model development.
The main aspect of the investigation is the determination of the regularity of possible origin-destination matrix amount change under the condition of numerous dimensions of the demand model for passengers transportation. The process of passengers demand on the route city transport formation is considered to be a stochastic in this research.
This is due to many scientific works proving that the transport factors don’t have a dominant influence on the regularity of passengers demand formation in the public transport service. This problem was investigated by the authors of this article earlier.
The research results show that the variation level of the origin-destination passengers matrix is very high especially for big cities with more than 500 000 citizens. Thus, it has been investigated the effect of origin-destination matrix dimensions on the level of its variability.
It is defined that the reduction of transport connections amount leads to insignificant decrease of possible variants of the origin-destination matrix. So, in order to determine the most probable states of the passengers demand on the passenger route transport it is necessary to use the main aspects of the interval origin-destination matrix modeling.

Author Biographies

Александр Викторович Россолов, Kharkov National Automobile And Highway University Petrovskogo 25, Kharkov, 61002

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Department of transport system and logistic

Евгений Владимирович Любый, Kharkov National Automobile And Highway University Petrovskogo 25, Kharkov, 61002

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Department of transport system and logistic


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How to Cite

Россолов, А. В., & Любый, Е. В. (2013). Determination of o-d matrix variability degree. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(4(61), 43–47.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects