Kinematic and dynamic requirements for activities in sports dancing


  • Алексей Гуляев



sports dances, Latin American dances, European dances, mechanical motion characteristics, dynamic characteristics, kinematic characteristics, spatial characteristics, body movement, body trajectory, material point, momentum


Oleksii Huliaiev

Purpose: to determine the relationship between the motor qualities of an athlete in accordance with the constitution of his somatotype in order to establish at an early stage of the morphofunctional development of objective, phylogenetically determined signs of motor talent for sports dancing.

Material & Methods: the work was carried out on the basis of the "Ideal" sports club. The study involved dancers in the amount of 20 athletes involved in sports dancing at the initial training stage. In solving the tasks, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; generalization of the practical experience of the coaching contingent working with children in sports dance groups.

Results: kinematic and dynamic characteristics of dancers in the European and Latin American programs are considered. Corresponding professiograms are compiled taking into account the characteristics of each of the programs.

Conclusions: in order to achieve high sports results in sports dances, it is necessary for an athlete to develop not only all well-known physical qualities. The uniqueness of the dynamic-kinematic features of the movement makes specific demands on the athlete. The features listed in the study for each of the programs require their combination and the level of development of physical qualities. Moreover, the direction of development of physical and dynamic qualities for each of the programs has its own direction.


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How to Cite

Гуляев, А. (2019). Kinematic and dynamic requirements for activities in sports dancing. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(75), 109–116.


