Characteristics of non-Olympic sports competitions (for example of the first category)


  • Олексій Сергійович Шульга [Shul’ga A.] Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports,
  • Анастасія Саварец [Savarets A.] Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports,


non-Olympic sports, the competition system, the first category of non-Olympic sports, characteristics of competitive activity.


The article is devoted characteristics of non-Olympic sports competitions (for example of the first category). The article describes the features of the development of non-Olympic sports in Ukraine. Analyzed and identify the specific characteristics of competitive activities of non-Olympic sports first category. The characteristic of competitive activity non-Olympic sports of the first category and specific features, reflecting the continuity of national traditions of the country, the uniqueness and originality of the conditions of the competition.


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How to Cite

Шульга [Shul’ga A.] О. С., & Саварец [Savarets A.] А. (2012). Characteristics of non-Olympic sports competitions (for example of the first category). Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-2(33), 54–57. Retrieved from

