Indicators of strength endurance schoolchildren of various medical groups


  • Іванна Романівна Боднар (Ivanna Bodnar) Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Ukraine
  • Юрій Володимирович Петришин (Yuriy Petryshyn) Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Ukraine



students, endurance, health


Purpose: to found the peculiarities of the natural development of certain physical properties of middle school age students of various medical groups. Material: the testing conducted in 1414 16 students of secondary schools in Ukraine secondary school age (10-16 years), including 761 youth, 653 girls. Results: a period of accelerating the development of strength endurance of the abdominal muscles of students was founded. With a decrease in the level of health a sensitive period of development of an effective strength endurance gradually shifted to 1–2 years. Conclusions: periods of accelerating the development of strength endurance in children with poor health were already, the growth rate is significantly lower than in healthy peers.


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How to Cite

Боднар (Ivanna Bodnar) І. Р., & Петришин (Yuriy Petryshyn) Ю. В. (2014). Indicators of strength endurance schoolchildren of various medical groups. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(39), 7–11.


