Influence of psychophysiological and morphofunctional indicators of highly qualified athletes on the result of swimming the distance of 400 meters freestyle




Purpose: to determine the influence of psychophysiological and morphofunctional indicators of highly qualified athletes on the result of swimming the distance of 400 meters freestyle.

Material and methods: analysis and generalization of literature sources, anthropometric and physiological measurements, testing of psychophysiological indicators, methods of mathematical statistics. The surveyed group consisted of finalists of the Championships and Cups of Ukraine in swimming at the distance of 400 meters freestyle, who had the level of sports qualifications Master of Sports of Ukraine.

Results: the authors characterized psychophysiological and morphofunctional indicators of highly qualified athletes who specializing in freestyle swimming at the distance of 400 meters, determined the degree of their influence on the result of overcoming a competitive distance of 400 meters. Conclusions: indicators of morphological and functional development of swimmers are more important for achieving high results at the distance of 400 meters freestyle than psychophysiological parameters; the construction of the training process of highly qualified athletes who have various distance specialization should be carried out taking into account the degree of influence of the morphofunctional and psychophysiological indicators of the structure of special preparedness on the competitive result.

Key words: highly qualified swimmers, freestyle, 400 meters, psychophysiological and morphofunctional indicators, influence.


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How to Cite

Pilipko, O. ., & Pilipko, A. . (2021). Influence of psychophysiological and morphofunctional indicators of highly qualified athletes on the result of swimming the distance of 400 meters freestyle. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(81), 5–10.


