Model characteristics of leading football players of different positions
Purpose: to establish the model characteristics of sports opportunities and competitive activities of highly qualified football players of different positions.
Material and methods: registration of technical and tactical actions was carried out on the example of games of
participating teams in the 2019/2020 UEFA Champions League. A total of 203 games of the teams «Atalanta» (Bergamo, Italy), «Atletico» (Madrid, Spain), «Bayern» (Munich, Germany), «Barcelona» (Barcelona, Spain), «Leipzig» (Leipzig, Germany), «Liverpool» (Liverpool, England), «Manchester City» (Manchester, England), «Olympique» (Lyon, France), «Paris Saint-Germain» (Paris, France) were registered and analyzed. The following research methods were used to solve the tasks: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, registration of technical and tactical actions, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the article presents data characterizing the morphological features and features of the defensive and attacking TTA of the best players of different game specializations based on the results of the 2019/2020 UEFA Champions League games. Models of the best goalkeepers (Neuer M., Oblak J., Lopez A.), defenders (Davis A., Kimmich J., Alaba D., Upamekano D., Angelino, Van Dijk W.), midfielders (Thiago A., Goretzka L., Muller T., De Bruyne K., Auar W., Zabitzer M., Marquinhos, Gomez A.) and forwards (Gnabry S., Lewandowski R., Mbappe K., Neymar, Messi L., Sterling R.) were developed.
Conclusions: the data of the study show differences in morphological parameters and the structure of the competitive activities of the best goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders and forwards in the games of the 2019/2020 UEFA Champions League.
Keywords: football players, model characteristics, age, height, weight, technical and tactical actions.
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