Іnfluence of exercises with a ball on coordination abilities of 8-9-year-old young sportsmen, engaged in table tennis
Purpose: to develop approaches to improve the coordination abilities of young sportsmen in table tennis under the influence of specially selected exercises with a tennis ball.
Material and methods: two groups of young pupils at the age of 8-9 years in the total number of 24 persons (control group, n = 12, experimental group, n =
12) of the children’s and youth sports school No. 11 in Kharkov took part in the research. The tests recommended by the curriculum for children’s and youth table tennis sports schools were used to determine the indicators of coordination abilities. The pedagogical experiment lasted 3 months and consisted of the introduction into practice of the experimental group of specially selected exercises.
Results of introducing exercises with tennis balls aimed at developing coordination abilities into the educational and training process of the experimental group of 8-9-year-old pupils in table tennis, a reliable improvement in the indicators of test exercises were revealed: in hitting a tennis ball on a racket for 1 minute, on the inside and the outside of the racket and alternating the side of the racket, run sideways around the table, running on the eight (p<0,05). No probable difference was found in tests: tossing and catching a tennis ball with two hands in 30s, transfer balls while moving in a 3-meter zone, (p>0,05).
Conclusions: the improvement of manifestations of coordination abilities in 8-9-year-old children of the experimental group who are engaged in table tennis, after the introduction of the specially selected exercise system into the training process, amounted to: in the test «Hitting a tennis ball on a racket for 1 minute on the inside» – 25,3%, «Hitting a tennis ball on a racket for 1 minute on the outside of the racket» – 27,3%, «Hitting a tennis ball on a racket for
1 minute on the inside and the outside of the racket in turn» – 39,0%, «Tossing and catching a tennis ball with two hands no higher than the head in 30s» – 5,5%, «Run sideways around the table» – 5,8%, «Running in the eight» – 2,5%, «Transfer of balls while moving in a 3-meter zone» – 2,7%.
Keywords: table tennis; coordination capacities; exercises with balls; exercises with a racket.
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