The differentiation of the content of physical education lessons taking into account indicators of the state of the cardiorespiratory system of pupils in the secondary school
Purpose: to study the dynamics of the cardiorespiratory system indicators of 13 - 14-year-old pupils under the influence of the differentiated content of physical education lessons.
Material and methods: 103 pupils of the comprehensive school No. 150 of Kharkov took part in the research. The methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific-methodological literature; biomedical methods (tonometry, pulsometry, and spirometry); pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: the level of functioning of the cardiorespiratory system in 13 - 14-year-old pupils is below average. Taking into account the indicators of the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of 13 - 14-year-old pupils, the content of physical education lessons is differentiated; the development and implementation of physical exercise complexes aimed at increasing the above indicators.
Conclusions: as a result of the introduction of the developed physical exercise complexes in indicators characterizing the state of cardiovascular and respiratory systems of pupils of experimental groups, there were reliable positive changes in all the studied parameters (p<0,05 - 0,001). As a result, the state of the cardiorespiratory system of 13-14-year-old pupils increased from below average to average.
Keywords: physical health, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, physical education, 13 - 14-year-old pupils.
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