Simulation of the annual cycle of athletes training on aerobic gymnastics at the stage of specialized basic training
Purpose: to develop a model of the annual training cycle for athletes 12-14 years old, specializing in aerobic gymnastics, based on the well-known methodology in complex coordination and gymnastic sports, taking into account the specifics of this sport.
Materials and methods: the study involved 24 athletes aged 12-14 years (girls). Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature data, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment and methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: the specificity of aerobic gymnastics as a sport has been investigated. Revealed and practically substantiated effective means, methods and training loads of the stage of specialized basic training. The level of development of physical qualities, special physical fitness and technical skill of athletes 12-14 years old has been determined and established. It has been experimentally proved and mathematically proven that the developed model of the annual training cycle is the most effective for determining the readiness for competitive activity of 12-14 year old athletes engaged in aerobic gymnastics at the stage of specialized basic training.
Conclusions: the proposed model of the annual cycle of training athletes aged 12-14, engaged in aerobic gymnastics at the stage of specialized basic training leads to increased development of individual physical qualities, increasing the level of special training and athletes gain stability and quality of technical elements.
Keywords: aerobic gymnastics, model, annual training cycle, athletes 12-14 years old, stage of specialized basic training.
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