Dynamics of indicators of coordination abilities of basketball players of groups of initial training under the influence of the use of special preparatory exercises





Purpose: to determine the degree of influence of special preparatory exercises on indicators of coordination abilities of basketball players of initial preparation groups.

Material and methods: the study involved 40 athletes aged 9 - 11 years, that are part of initial training groups of the second year of study in the sports school № 7 in Kharkiv (control group 20 athletes, experimental group 20 athletes). To establish the indicators of coordination readiness of young basketball players, the standard test exercises proposed by L.P. Sergienko [13] were used.

Results: in the training process of the experimental group of special - preparatory exercises were used: various jumps and acrobatic exercises, as well as sets of exercises on a trampoline. This technique had a positive effect on the coordination abilities of basketball players in the initial training group, and significant differences were found between the results before and after the pedagogical experiment (p < 0,05).

Conclusions: the positive dynamics of coordination abilities indicators of the experimental group is established after the pedagogical experiment. Thus, in testing the control of evaluation and regulation of spatio-temporal and dynamic parameters of movements, the improvement of results in percentage was from 9% to 43%, in testing the evaluation of sense of time the increase in results ranged from 27% to 56%, improvement of muscle accuracy efforts ranged from 3% to 16%, the dynamics of indicators of control of spatial orientation was from 7% to 43%, the results of control of stability of static and dynamic balance after the pedagogical experiment improved from 14% to 18%, indicators of sense of rhythm changed by 7%, indicators of control of the ability to arbitrarily relax muscles improved by 3%, the results of control of coordination of movements were increased by 31% (p> 0.05).

Keywords: basketball athletes, coordination abilities, specially selected sets of acrobatic exercises, trampoline exercises.


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How to Cite

Gorchanyuk, Y. ., Merzlikin, M. ., & Lyakhova, T. (2021). Dynamics of indicators of coordination abilities of basketball players of groups of initial training under the influence of the use of special preparatory exercises. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(83), 60–67. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2021-3.009


