Features of the use of distance learning tools in higher educational institutions of physical culture in the conditions of quarantine restrictions
Purpose: to analyze the organizational and methodological features of the use of informational means of distance learning in the training of future specialists in physical culture and sports.
Material and methods: for the implementation of this goal, we used the following research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; Internet resources; a survey using Google Forms; analysis, synthesis and generalization of the data obtained; methods of mathematical statistics. 93 students of the first, second and third courses of the daytime department of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture took part in the survey.
Results: the features of the organization of the educational process in quarantine conditions using distance learning tools in higher educational institutions of physical culture are considered. An online survey of students revealed their attitude to distance, full-time and mixed forms of education; their preferences and the provision of various electronic resources, programs, information communication tools that were used by teachers in the educational process. Possible difficulties and the significance of the benefits of distance learning for students are analyzed.
Conclusions: the study showed that the academy teachers in a short time and in difficult conditions mastered digital tools, communication resources, and remote platforms that they had not used before. An online survey showed that students' opinions on distance learning, full-time and blended learning were divided. The results of the study confirmed the opinion of other scientists that distance learning as an alternative form of the educational process cannot fully replace the traditional full-time form of education, and the use of distance learning tools makes it possible to diversify the educational process, make it much more interesting and effective.
Keywords: distance learning, students, online classes, distance learning tools, video conferencing software, e-learning tools.
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