Analysis of techno-tactical preparedness of highly skilled wrestlers of Greco-Roman style after changes competition




competition actions, efficiency, effectiveness, gravimetric groups


Purpose:determine the level of technical and tactical training of highly Greco-Roman style after a change in the rules. Material and methods: analyzed 60 fights fighters winning the finals of the competition in Greco-Roman wrestling: Universiade 2013, the World Cup 2013 and Final Golden Grand Prix 2013. Results: 12 basic technical actions that is most more often used by wrestlers on international competitions are distinguished. It is certain that technical actions are conducted by wrestlers as in a bar – 70 receptions, so in an orchestra – 56 receptions. Three gravimetric groups are exposed: small; middle; heavy. Conclusions: it is certain that wrestlers must conduct a fight in a high rate, using moving, captures, jerks, shoves, shvungi. The modern trend "spectacular" offensive power struggle addition to the advantages identified a number of shortcomings, namely simplification of tactical wrestlers installations. As a rule, they are intended to achieve a small advantage and hold it until the end of the bout.


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How to Cite

Тропін (Tropin Yuriy) Ю. М., & Бойченко (Nataliya Boitchenko) Н. В. (2014). Analysis of techno-tactical preparedness of highly skilled wrestlers of Greco-Roman style after changes competition. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(40), 117–120.


