Characteristics of the visual response in archery different qualifications 14–16 years


  • (Nina Mylchenko) Мильченко Ніна Ігорівна Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine



archery, simple visually motor reaction, average time of reaction


Purpose: levels of simple visually motor reaction at archers of various qualification are defined. Materials and methods: 15 shooters took part in research from onions of various qualification. Used the software Complex-reaction for definition of visual reaction Results: average values in groups on simple visually motor reaction to neurodynamic functions at athletes of a different floor who specialize in difficult and coordination types sports are defined. Conclusions: during experiment the group of candidates for the master of sports showed stabler result, the group of 1 categories showed the best result in reaction speed, but results significantly differ. The group of 2 categories showed average results in the test that testifies to insignificant level of preparation.


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How to Cite

Мильченко Ніна Ігорівна (Nina M. (2014). Characteristics of the visual response in archery different qualifications 14–16 years. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(42), 45–49.


