Influence of the special facilities on the speed capabilities of young footballers 12–13 years


  • В. І. Перевозник Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


rapidity, specific and nonspecific exercises, normative requirements, rapidity skills


Different approaches are used in development of physical quality of quickness for footballers 12–13 years in a educating and training process. The change of indexes of speed of footballers is shown 12 years in at run on 30 meters at the use of heterospecific exercises. It is set that the use is in educating and training process of the special facilities, and also realization of one track-and-field employment in микроцикле of setup time is provided by the increase of level of development of physical quality of quickness of young footballers 13 years. Methods, worked out by the trainers of the Child's soccer academy «Metallist», were used in educating and training process.


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How to Cite

Перевозник, В. І. (2011). Influence of the special facilities on the speed capabilities of young footballers 12–13 years. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(27), 78–81. Retrieved from


