Performance indicators total control exercises on a single obstacle cadets during their initial training




cadets, obstacle, while overcoming, common mistakes, target hit


Purpose: to determine the level of the results of the exercise "obstacle course" students of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, identify common mistakes. Material and Methods: the study involved 46 students of the first year, which took basic training. We used the following methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and instructional materials, teacher observation, testing, peer review, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: it was noted that the classes with students to overcome the single obstacle course aimed at the development and improvement of skills in overcoming the artificial and natural obstacles, throwing grenades and performing special moves and actions, development of speed and speed strength endurance, improving skills for collective action on the background strenuous exercise, nurturing self-confidence, courage and determination. The study revealed that the students specialty "Management of the actions of special forces" demonstrate better endurance than the students specialty "Automobiles and automobile industry." Compared with the regulations given in the Manual of physical training and sports of Interior Troops of Ukraine, the data correspond to the evaluation "below satisfactory". With the help of teacher observations and peer review were identified common mistakes that allow the cadets during the passage of the obstacle. Conclusions: the characteristics of the obstacle course: the time, the number of hitting the target and typical errors will improve the physical fitness of students in subsequent studies.


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How to Cite

Анацький Руслан Валерійович (Ruslan A., & Коломійцева Ольга Едуардівна (Olga K. (2014). Performance indicators total control exercises on a single obstacle cadets during their initial training. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(44), 7–10.


