The Cartographic providing of recreations and tourist activity




cartography, cartographic methods, recreations estimation of territories, topographical maps, scale, tourist resources


Purpose: to rotting the expedient necessity of the wide use of cartographic methods of estimation of recreations territories, that promotes their value for rest and tourism. Material and Methods: theoretical analysis, generalization of information of the special literature. Results: the questions of application of cartography are considered in recreations and sporting tourism. Conclusions: cartographic methods allow to conduct researches in different directions and in combination with descriptive-comparative and mathematical methods it is possible to get valuable material for recreation, tourism and ecology.


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How to Cite

Булашев Олександр Якович (Alexander B. (2014). The Cartographic providing of recreations and tourist activity. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(44), 19–23.


