Studying the physical laws of moving ball at the power serve in jump.




volleyball, trajectory, experiment, coordinates, target, efficiency


Purpose: to study the dependence of the characteristics of the trajectory of moving ball, which determine the accuracy of the power serve in the jump, from the values of the relevant kinematics variables. Material and Methods: analysis of video filming, teacher observations, mathematical methods of processing the results. Results: the appropriate experiment, whose data were used to study the physical laws of moving ball, have been proposed and carried out. A detailed analysis of the characteristics of the ball trajectory, depending on the choice of the values of kinematics parameters such as speed, altitude and angle of moving ball relative to the playground at the initial time of performing serve, have been carried out. Conclusions: it is shown in particular that the precision of performing serve is substantially depended on the emission angle and the initial velocity of the ball


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How to Cite

Мельник Аліна Юріївна (Alina M. (2015). Studying the physical laws of moving ball at the power serve in jump. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(45), 81–84.


