The rhythm and tempo of the game of highly qualified teams
rhythm, tempo, ball passes, the dribble round a rival, shot at goalAbstract
Purpose: to set indicators of rhythm and tempo of the game teams of high qualification. Material and Methods: analysis of the scientific-methodical literature, registration of technical-tactical actions, methods of mathematical statistics. The study of competitive activities was conducted with participating teams of world championship 2014. Results: the acticle shows indicators of the rhythm and tempo of the game of well-qualified teams. Conclusions: teams-winners have surpassed teams that concede in terms of indicators of passes the ball, shots at goal, the rhythm of the game, tempo of game.
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Copyright (c) 2015 (V’yacheslav Mulik) Мулик В’ячеслав Володимирович, (Victor Shalenko) Шаленко Віктор Васильович, (Anatoliy Abdula) Абдула Анатолій Борисович, (Andrii Pertsukhov) Перцухов Андрій Анатолійович

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