Ways to improve the technical and tactical skills wrestlers Greco-Roman style of different manners of conducting a duel





competitive activity, technical and tactical skills, job training, style of fight, Greco-Roman wrestling


Purpose: develop and validate complex training tasks to improve the technical and tactical skills wrestlers Greco-Roman style of different manners of conducting fight. Material and Methods: identified current problems of the individualization of training in wrestling based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, modern competitive activity and synthesis of best practices. Results: the analysis of 75 highly skilled labor Greco-Roman style. The features of the technical and tactical skill of wrestlers of different manners of conducting fight and develop a set of tasks for each typical style confrontation. Conclusions: it found that in the preparation of the wrestlers need to take into account the style of fight each athlete.


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How to Cite

Єрмаков Сергій Сидорович (Sergiy I., Тропін Юрій Миколайович (Yurij T., & Пономарьов Віктор Олександрович (Viktor P. (2015). Ways to improve the technical and tactical skills wrestlers Greco-Roman style of different manners of conducting a duel. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(49), 46–51. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2015-5.007


