Effect of static loads with their own body weight and dynamic loads on the health of boys 10–11 years





static load, dynamic load, own body weight, physical performance, mental capacity, secondary pressure, intellectual activity


Purpose: to determine the effect of static loads with its own body weight compared to dynamic loads on the state of health, mental and physical performance of boys 10–11 years in the training sessions. Material and Methods: participated in a study of 140 boys for health reasons attributed to basic medical group, aged 10 and 11 years. The study used the following methods: analysis and synthesis of the literature, assessment of physical health, physical condition, physical and mental performance, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: analyzed the reaction of the child’s body boys – students at their own static exercises with body weight exercises and dynamic process in general pressure. Conclusions: established static exercises with his own body weight has beneficial effects on physical health of students, while increasing the pressure in smart schools "new type" application makes it necessary to exercise supervisory dynamic nature particularly intense focus, because they can adversely affect both the physical and mental efficiency


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How to Cite

Проскуров Євгеній Михалович (Eugene P. (2015). Effect of static loads with their own body weight and dynamic loads on the health of boys 10–11 years. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(50), 143–150. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2015-6.026


