Characteristic of passes of ball games team qualifications
ball passes, penalty area, half of a field, efficiency of passesAbstract
Pertsukhov A., Koval S.
Purpose: to define quantity and efficiency of passes in games of participating teams of world championship 2014.
Material & Methods: analysis of scientific-methodical literature, registration of technical-tactical actions, methods of mathematical statistics. The study of competitive activities was conducted with participating teams of world championship 2014.
Results: the article shows the quantitative and qualitative indicators of passes in games of high teams qualification.
Conclusions: the total of passes of the commands executed by football players in games of world championship 2014, it varies in the range from 242 to 819 where average value is 499,7 passes. Victorious teams surpass losers teams almost in all the quantitative and qualitative indicators of passes.
Keywords: ball passes, penalty area, half of a field, efficiency of passes.
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