Musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports




musical training, aesthetic-oriented sports, music and rhythmic education, music psychotherapy


Irina Belenkaya

Purpose: to justify theoretically the need for musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports.

Material & Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical supervision.

Results: the main directions of musical training of coaches in aesthetic-orientated sports were reviewed. It was discovered that in these types of sports coaches must have specific musical and rhythmic motor skills involving the use of musical accompaniment as a methodological technique for training sessions. The means of music and rhythmic education, which facilitate effective musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports, were determined.

Conclusions: the necessity of improving the teaching methods of the subject "music and rhythmic education" as part of the musical training of coaches in aesthetic-orientated sports, was theoretically justified.


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How to Cite

Беленькая, И. (2016). Musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(53), 7–11.


