Adaptation rearrangements of heart of young sportsmen depending on the orientation of the training activity
echocardiological indicators, vegetative-rhythmic indicators, training work, endurance, high-speed and power qualities, sportsmenAbstract
Viktor Lastochkin, Anatoliy Rovnyy
Purpose: studying of the main parameters of morphofunctional condition of the left ventricular cavity of heart of sportsmen in the conditions of the training and competitive activity.
Material & Methods: three groups of children (n=30) of 7–9, 10–12, 13–14 years old, who begin to train in sports with the manifestation of endurance and high-speed and power qualities, the qualified sportsmen at the age of 15–16 years old, who are engaged in run on 400 m with barriers, and karatekas (n=15+n=15), not engaged children of the same aged groups (n=40). The following methods of the research were applied: analysis of special literature, pedagogical supervisions, pedagogical experiment, echocardiological methods of the research.
Results: the considerable connection of types of heart of young sportsmen with indicators of exercise stress of various orientations is established. Sportsmen with the optimum vegeto-rhythmic indicators have the essential advantages in adaptation morphofunctional displacements in heart and warm productivity at sportsmen with satisfactory vegetative-rhythmic indicators.
Conclusions: adaptation morphofunctional displacements in activity of the cardio-respiratory system are closely connected with the prevailing orientation of the training process and can be used as the objective test of adaptation to the special loadings in sport.
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