Model characteristics of sensory-motor reactions and perceptions of specific wrestlers of different styles of confrontation
wrestlers, models, individual characteristics, styles of confrontationAbstract
Tropin Y., Romanenko V., Ponomaryov V.
Purpose: to develop a model characteristics of sensory-motor reactions and perceptions of specific wrestlers of different styles of conducting fight.
Material & Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, modern competitive activity, generalization of best practices, psycho-physiological research methods, methods of mathematical statistics. The investigations, which were attended by 46 athletes engaged in different kinds of wrestling (freestyle, Greco-Roman wrestling, judo, sambo) with expertise from 1 to discharge the master of sports of international class, different ages (from 18 to 35 years).
Results: based on the test results determined pedagogical level of psychomotor reactions and perceptions of specific wrestlers basic styles of conducting fight.
Conclusions: it determined that the level of development of those or other psychomotor reactions and specific perceptions of athletes has a certain relationship with the typical style of the match.
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