Structure and content of competitive group compositions in sports aerobics
sports aerobics, competitive composition, group exercises (triplets and quintuples), aged category, 9–11 years oldAbstract
Tetyana Moshenska & Inna Bodrenkova
Purpose: to make the analysis of modern competitive group compositions in sports aerobics.
Material & Methods: pedagogical, sociological and methods of mathematical statistics were used. 10 coaches took part in the experimental part; analysis of protocols and video records of competitions of the aged category of children of 9–11 years old, who perform in the nomination of triplets and quintuples (group exercises), is carried out.
Results: the content of competitive compositions and the allocated indicators are studied which defined it.
Conclusions: the basic structural elements, which characterize competitive compositions, are allocated. Their components, quantity and time of performance are defined. It is established that variety of aerobic contents, spaces, and means of registration, musical compliance and logicality of creation of the whole competitive composition at high quality of performance characterizes teams – winners.
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