Efficiency of actions of the setter in competitions of students’ women's volleyball teams of the Kharkiv region
student's volleyball, setter, tactical systems of gameAbstract
Yevgeniya Strelnikova & Tamara Lyakhova
Purpose: to define efficiency of performance of the second serves at the organization of the attacking actions of team in SVL of Kharkiv.
Material & Methods: the analysis of references showed that researches are practically not conducted in student's sport of Ukraine. The competitive process with participation of 9 players of role – setter qualifications of the I adult category was investigated in the pedagogical observation, by mathematical processing of the obtained data efficiency of actions of the setters at the organization of the attacks of women's teams of Kharkiv Student's volleyball league was defined.
Results: defining indicators of efficiency of technical-tactical actions of the setter in the organization of attacks of women's teams of Student's league of Kharkiv, the analysis of references on condition of problem of training of the setter was carried out, tactical models of game in attack, in which the setter and efficiency of game actions of the setter, takes part in the organization of the attacking actions of women's teams of Kharkiv Student's volleyball league are defined.
Conclusions: the offered methodical approach based on the quantitative assessment of competitive activity will allow rationalizing structure and distribution of means of trainings and to increase efficiency of the whole educational-training process of training of the setters, will improve the game in attack of the teams of SVL of Kharkiv.
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