Interrelation of level of physical fitness with indicators of competitive activity at young wrestlers of the Greek-Roman style
young wrestlers, correlation, physical fitness, competitive activityAbstract
Yuriy Tropin, Victor Ponomaryev & Oleg Klimenko
Purpose: to define interrelation of level of physical fitness with indicators of competitive activity at young wrestlers of the Greek-Roman style.
Material & Methods: twenty young wrestlers, age of 12–13 years participated in the researches. The pedagogical testing of level of physical fitness was held, the analysis of competitive activity was carried out, and methods of mathematical statistics were applied.
Results: the strong statistical interrelation between interval of the successful attack in competitive fights and 10 by backward rolls (r=0,718) is established; between active maintaining duel meet and speed of performance of 15 throws of the partner by tuck (r=0,703).
Conclusions: it is defined that indicators of the general and special high-speed and power endurance are influenced on activity of maintaining duel meets at wrestlers of 12–13 years old; indicators of effectiveness and efficiency of competitive activity are influenced on the level of development of high-speed and power preparedness and dexterity.
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