Substantiation of methods of selection and orientation of children to practice gymnastics in the long-term preparation system




physical development, biological age, somatotype, gymnastics


Abdulvahid Dlshad Nihad

Purpose: determine the most effective methods of selection and orientation of children for gymnastics.

Material & Methods: the study included children 78 years of secondary school in Kharkov and Kurdistan in the amount of 112 students. Methods of pedagogical observations, sociological surveys, method of expert evaluations, medical and biological methods of assessing physical development, and methods of mathematical statistics are used.

Results: are based on studies found the most specific criteria for assessing the physical development of children 7–8 years of specific features of the chronological and biological age and criteria for evaluation of their physical readiness. Specific features of the physical development of children 7–8 years old, having characteristic signs of a tendency to exercise in gymnastics are determine.

Conclusions: the peculiarities of individual physical development of children of 7–8 years are established, taking into account the peculiarities of their biological age, it is possible to establish with the highest accuracy the most characteristic features of the somatotype of children, corresponding to the performance of exercises in gymnastics.


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How to Cite

Нихад, А. Д. (2017). Substantiation of methods of selection and orientation of children to practice gymnastics in the long-term preparation system. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(58), 7–12.


