Physical fitness model characteristics in wrestling
model characteristics, physical fitness, wrestlingAbstract
Yuriy Tropin
Purpose: to develop model characteristics of physical fitness of the qualified wrestlers.
Material &Methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, generalization of practical experience, pedagogical testing of the level of physical fitness, methods of mathematical statistics. Tested 30 qualified Greco-Roman wrestlers, qualified from the 1st rank to the master of sports, different ages (from 18 to 23 years).
Results: a set of special exercises is selected for testing the basic physical qualities of wrestlers. It is established that to test the physical fitness of wrestlers it is necessary to conduct tests of speed-strength abilities, strength endurance, agility and general and special endurance. Based on the results of pedagogical testing, model characteristics of the physical fitness of qualified wrestlers.
Conclusion: analysis and representation of the model became the basis for the development of evaluation criteria and forecasting of physical fitness level.
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