Features of morphological and functional characteristics of young swimmers 14–18 years





athletes, young swimmers, models, morphological and functional characteristics


Purpose: to develop the model of morphofunctional characteristics of the strongest young swimmers aged 14–18 years. Material and Methods: the anthropometric and functional measurements, questionnaires, testing of 60 swimmers aged 14–18 years, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the characteristic features of the model of morphological and functional performance of young swimmers of different age groups were identified. Conclusions: taking the obtained results allow to determine the suitability of the sport and the prospects of young swimmers with higher probability, according to their age and stage of long-term preparation


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How to Cite

Політько Олена Валеріївна (Оlena P. (2015). Features of morphological and functional characteristics of young swimmers 14–18 years. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(45), 95–99. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2015-1.018


