Creation of new medical drugs based on TRIZ and computer mathematical modeling


  • B Farber Noigel, LLC; TRIZ Biopharma International, LLC New York,
  • A Martynov Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology,
  • I Kleyn Noigel, LLC; TRIZ Biopharma International, LLC New York,

Ключові слова:

TRIZ, theory of inventive problem solving, Altshuller, TRIZ in pharmaceutical industry and pharmacology, Laws of technical systems evolution, problem solving, Su-field analysis, drug-design, dynamic self-organizing, quasi live drugs, anticancer, antiviral, multidrug bacterial resistance, antibacteri


The article provides an overview of the current state of the use of TRIZ in the pharmaceutical industry and our R&D efforts in that area, based on TRIZ and computer mathematical modeling. Drug development is one of the most important research areas, which affects almost every family, and each one of us. However, nobody in the world has used TRIZ as a philosophy of solving problems in such important area as pharmaceutical research and development to develop new efficient medical drugs. The application of the principles of TRIZ in this arena opens up broad prospects in the creation of new classes of drugs that can independently adapt to the patient's body. The combination of contradictions, laws of development systems, algorithms, Su-field analysis, TRIZ principles, deep fundamentals of pharmaceutical industry and pharmacology, modern computer mathematical modeling, in the solution of each of the tasks at once, allows us to achieve extraordinary results and obtain significantly more effective novel drugs. For the first time in the World we have developed dynamic self-organizing, quasi live drugs, based on the principles of TRIZ and computerized mathematical modeling. These are drugs capable of adapting independently both to the human body and to molecular targets, including viruses, cancer cells and microorganisms. We have created 17 new projects, however, in this article we illustrate just 6 examples from our research and developments: 1. Novel directions to fight multidrug resistant microorganisms. 2. Polymyxin with reduced nephrotoxicity. 3. Dynamic drugs: Dynamic insulin. 4. Dynamic drugs: The dynamic anticancer drug Target-R to treat different cancers. 5. Dynamic drugs: Dynamic antiviral drug Albuvir. 6. Dynamic drugs: Hemostatic Gemma. Applying TRIZ and mathematical modeling in pharmaceutical industry, produces novel and future R&D trends. The proposed new paradigm of combating infectious diseases using TRIZ led to the creation of a unique pharmaceutical composition. The molecular modeling approach led to the intensification of research and for synthesis of drugs based on simulated inhibitor profiles. This increased the yield of novel dynamic drugs. The dynamic drugs can overcome many problems from resistance to the slippage effect, to eliminate the side effects of drugs. This will save millions of lives. We deeply integrated TRIZ and computer mathematical modeling in our R&D. In addition, our approach includes the application of the laws of quantum physics and quantum chemistry; additionally, knowledge of the behavior of molecules in different solutions and their interaction with each other at different temperatures, in the presence of salts and other compounds. Really effective drugs can be developed only on the basis of a systematic approach and in-depth knowledge in the fields of medical, pharmaceutical physical chemistry, analytical chemistry and pharmacognosy, chemistry of natural compounds, plant medicine technology, biochemistry and molecular biology, pharmacology and many other disciplines. Modeling these processes requires a large amount of not only computer time, but also knowledge in a number of broad areas: from quantum physics and chemistry to synthetic organic chemistry, in order to synthesize engineered substances. Despite changes in the concept of drug development: from banal screening (out of thousands of synthesized compounds, only one showed biological activity) to those obtained as a result of molecular modeling (another name is drug-design). (named as drug-design). The approach with the use of molecular modeling led to the intensification of research - to the synthesis of drugs based on simulated inhibitor profiles. This increased the yield of drugs - out of every hundreds of the synthesized substances, one showed the expected activity. The cost of pharmaceutical development software is currently quite high and can even reach tens of millions of dollars. But this is a reasonable amount, which makes it possible to obtain the required pharmaceutical preparations, at least for known target proteins. However, for the design of drugs of new generations at all stages of development - from building a model of a target protein to creating a drug profile and its synthesis, TRIZ has not been used systematically. Pharmaceutical industry is a huge area to be explored by TRIZ.


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Як цитувати

Farber, B., Martynov, A., & Kleyn, I. (2019). Creation of new medical drugs based on TRIZ and computer mathematical modeling. Анали Мечниковського Інституту, (4), 15–34. вилучено із



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