Antigens bronchopulmonary system and their role in the diagnosis of autoimmune processes in bronchial asthma in children


  • V Chernusky V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
  • N Popov V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
  • O Govalenkova V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
  • A Letyago V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
  • V Kashina-Yarmak V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
  • T Evdokimovа V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,

Ключові слова:

Antigens, bronchopulmonary system, autoimmune processes, bronchial asthma, children


Introduction. One of the promising directions of improvement of immunodiagnostic BA recently recognized the creation of tissue antigens of the respiratory system structures and their use in diagnostic assays to detect subtle disturbances in the structure of the respiratory system in the development of this disease. Each of the body tissue has an extremely wide range of proteins that characterize its species and organ specificity of the individual. It follows that satisfactory diagnostic results can be obtained only if the isolation of individual proteins characteristic lesion of certain components of the trachea, bronchus and lung tissue. Materials&methods. The results of studies using the blood serum of children with asthma during exacerbations, showed that the resulting diagnostic tools are characterized by mild pretsipitogennymi properties, in consequence of which they can not be used in the passive hemagglutination (PHA) response for diagnostic purposes, since there is a low the percentage of positive reacting sera from children with asthma (23.7% - 58.1%). Established that were significantly higher than in children patients with asthma for two of the four test diagnostics (nuclear antigen substance and mitochondria) cells of the bronchial mucosa frequency of positive results with serum of healthy children of the control group (63.0 - 100%). It is emphasized that except diagnosticum constituting supernatants mitochondria and bronchial mucosa cells, all other antigens differed in TPHA antigenic activity is extremely low, providing a positive result (1: 0,87 - 1: 1,38), which eliminates them diagnostic significance. It is found that the diagnostic tools derived from the cells of the bronchial mucosa, chemically presented protein components did not significantly differ among themselves antigenic activity in children with asthma, which also negatively affects the possibility of their intended use. On the supernatant antigens and mitochondria of cells in bronchial mucosa RPGA with sera of children with asthma autoantibodies determined in the following credits: supernatants - 1:75,4-1:108,2; mitochondria - 1: 58,9-1: 82,4. These results indicate that the test protein as diagnostics antigens bronchial mucosa cells are not able to stimulate development of bronchopulmonary autoantibodies involved in autoimmune manifestations component in children with asthma. Low diagnostic ability of the tested antigens of bronchial mucosa cells in PHA, obviously, is connected with the fact that asthma in children is a chronic non-specific inflammatory process, which is based on the initial changes in the interstitial stroma bronchopulmonary system. Features of asthma development in children can be identified by the use of immunologically relevant tests in tissue antigens, derived from the interstitial connective tissue stroma of bronchopulmonary system. We have tested antigens trachea, bronchi, lung tissue derived from connective tissue interstitial pulmonary system data structures. Antigens were presented lipopolysaccharide. Proteins are composed of antigenic preparations were absent, the peptides were determined only in trace amounts. This diagnostic kit used in the reaction aggregates quantitation immune serum of children with asthma. Immunological examination showed that lipopolysaccharide antigens of the trachea, bronchus and lung tissue, as opposed to protein antigens of cell structures of the bronchial mucosa, possessed high antigenic activity and the ability to detect differential diagnostic differences of clinical forms and degrees of severity of the disease. Thus, the main range of immunological and immunopathological reactions in asthma in children has a clear dependence on the antigen-activated interstitial stroma inflammatory bronchopulmonary system. Conclusions. 1. Antigens derived sectional proteinaceous material bronchopulmonary systems can not be obtained industrially, as they are not standardized to protein have not sterile, which greatly limits their use, and reduces the diagnostic value. 2. Multi-antigenic composition of protein homogenates derived from cell-tissue structures of the respiratory system, does not allow to clearly identify the nature of morphological changes in bronchial asthma in children. 3. Lipopolysaccharide antigens from bronchopulmonary structures contain protein in their composition may be prepared industrially under sterile conditions and stored in a lyophilized state for more than two years, which allows to use them widely in the forms and immunodiagnostics clinical severity of asthma in children.


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Як цитувати

Chernusky, V., Popov, N., Govalenkova, O., Letyago, A., Kashina-Yarmak, V., & Evdokimovа T. (2019). Antigens bronchopulmonary system and their role in the diagnosis of autoimmune processes in bronchial asthma in children. Анали Мечниковського Інституту, (2), 15–19. вилучено із



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