Metabolic peculiarities at experimental generalized process caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Ключові слова:
metabolic state, experimental study, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, LPO level and AOS activity indices.Анотація
System of free radical oxidation is a non-specific link of most of pathologic processes formation in organism. Enzimological studies allowing the definition of both organospecific violations and the state of biological membranes are of great interest in complex approach to the estimation of structural and metabolic peculiarities of organism in conditions of inflammatory pathology. Thus the purpose of the given study is the definition of metabolic state peculiarities at experimental generalized process caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. According to the results of the carried out studies the activity of the processes of lipids peroxidation in myocardium of infected animals rises: the content of MDA and DC is increased in comparison with intact animals while SH-groups content and catalase activity are decreased, i.e. the oxidative stress takes place in myocardium of infected animals which leads to energy-hungry state process which is also proved by AF – enzyme activity increase which implements hydrolysis of monophosphoric esteris and LDH – enzyme of anaerobic glуcolysis. Activity of AsAT, AlAT and γ-GTP is reliably higher which proves about the activation of protein biosynthesis into tissues which is connected with accelerated enzyme synthesis under the influence of inflammation mediators, i.e. compensatory reaction activation takes place. The similar picture is found in kidneys and liver: LPO under insufficiency of AOS, power-hungry state. The level of МСВ – integrated indicator of intoxication as well as LPO products grows in blood of infected experimental animals which proves about high level of inflammatory process and organism intoxication. Increasing of protein concentration of acute phase – haptoglobulin – also proves about high level of inflammatory process. High activity of LDG (cytoplasmatic enzyme) proves about cytoplasmic membranes injury. The decrease of catalase activity and level of SH-groups of blood are found in organisms of experimented animals which proves that the content of thyol compounds in organism decreases due to oxidative modification to disulfide. Thus AOS enzymatic link becomes insufficient, as a result of which the oxidative stress is developing which harms tissues. The results of metabolic processes study at experimental generalized process caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa allowed determining the activation of LPO processes which destroyed the structure of biological membranes modulating the development of free radical pathology in organism. Lingering stimulation of LPO leads to the exhaustion of AOS, inhibition of the processes of bioenergetics and biosynthesis which are specifying in the formation of biologic mechanisms of AOS suppression under the influence of МSМ, acute phase proteins and the misbalance in fermentative link work.
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