Infuence of gene polimorphism on the course of Epstein-Barr virus
Ключові слова:
infectious mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr virus infection, genotype, cytokine, interleukin-28, the polymorphism of genes.Анотація
Introduction.Currently, infectious diseases occupy a dominant place in human pathology. The relevance of the Epstein-Barr virus infection (VEB) is due to a high degree of infection of the population around the world, as well as specific antibodies to this virus, detected in almost 95% of the adult population. Material and methods. We have examined 96 patients with chronic VEB infection, the main clinical manifestations of which were various immunopathological and immunodeficiency states, as well as 10 patients who had undergone a history of VEB without any complaints at the moment. The comparison group consisted of 10 clinically healthy people who had no record of infectious mononucleosis. Polymorphism of the genes was determined using the RFLP method (polymorphism of the length of restriction fragments) and the real-time PCR method using the Corbett Research Rotor-Gene-3000 and the DNA-detecting DT-96 amplifier.To detect the polymorphisms under study, amplification of certain sections of the corresponding genes was carried out. To determine the allelic variation of the IL28B gene, a commercial DNA-technology test system was used. SNP 39743165T> G (rs8099917) and SNP 39738787C> T (rs 2979860) of the IL-28B gene were used to detect point mutations using polymerase chain reaction and polymorphism of restriction fragment lengths. As a material for the study, DNA obtained from leukocytes was used with commercial reagents to extract DNA from the clinical material "Cytolysin" by AmpliSens (Russia).Statistical processing of the results of the study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations for statistical processing of biomedical data. The statistical software package STATISTICA 10.0 was used.Results and discussion. A group of patients with a record of VEB who do not currently have any complaints, and also in the comparison group for the IL-28B gene, found the CC genotype at the locus rs12979860, and the TT genotype at the locus rs8099917. This suggests that in patients with chronic VEB infection, when the genotype of the CC genotype in the locus rs12979860 and the TT genotype at the locus rs8099917 are detected in the IL-28B gene, a more favorable course. In the analysis of single nucleotide substitutions in the regulatory regions rs8099917 and rs12979860 of the gene IL28B, statistically significant evidence was obtained of a non-random combination of allele pairs CC and TT in individualswith a more favorable course of EBV infection was also obtained, and the number of episodes of exacerbation during the year is significantly less. Conclusion. The data suggest that the IL-28B genotype is a significant factor influencing the favorable course of the VEB infection, the frequency and severity of episodes of exacerbation throughout the year, and even the probability of transition or non-transition of the disease to a chronic form, and is an important factor in the prognosis. A more favorable course of EBV infection was noted in patients with CC genotype at the locus rs12979860 and TT genotype at the locus rs8099917 сompared with the genotypes of CT and TT in the locus rs12979860 and the genotypes GT and GG at the locus rs8099917. Thus, the study of the genotype of IL-28B is an urgent issue and requires further study.
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