Efficiency methods of physical rehabilitation of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine


  • I Кyreev National university of pharmacy,
  • N Zhabotynska National university of pharmacy,
  • M Kazarinova National university of pharmacy,

Ключові слова:

osteochondrosis, lumbar spine, physical rehabilitation, methods


Introduction. Osteochondrosis – the most common disease of the spine, which affects more than 70% of the population. Important is the social significance of osteochondrosis, in the structure of diseases of the musculoskeletal system as a whole the average primary disability of adult consequence of osteochondrosis – 1,7 to 10 000. It is important finding the most effective methods of complex treatment, and most importantly rehabilitation and recovery of patients with osteochondrosis.  Material & methods. We selected 16 patients with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, men aged 29-42 years with disease duration from 2 to 9 years. To determine the effectiveness of the methods of physical rehabilitation of patients with lumbar osteochondrosis outside the period of exacerbation assessed the dynamics of three indicators: vertebral syndrome, extravertebral syndrome, subjective assessment of the general condition of patients by psychological testing. After the examination, the patients divided into two groups of 8 people. Patients of the first group received physical therapy (ultrasound therapy and massage therapy). Pharmacotherapy is not done. Patients of the second group received medications according to the recommendations received after discharge from hospital. Results & discussion. After the rehabilitation treatment severity of vertebral syndrome significantly decreased to 1,1±0,23 points (р < 0,05) in first group and to до 1,0±0,33 points in second group (р < 0,05) with no significant difference between groups of patients. These figures suggest that all patients there was a reduction in pain to a weak pain, but some patients even before its termination. After rehabilitation terms of pain rate in the first group significantly decreased to 1,1±0,03 (p <0,05) points; in the second group, the figure dropped significantly to 1,2±0,08 (p <0, 05) points. In patients who did not receive pharmacotherapy, improvement in psychological testing "HAM" was slightly higher; reflecting the more positive assessment by patients of their condition by the end of the course of rehabilitation, reduce fatigue, increase stamina, optimism, activity and energy. In the group first patients, unlike the second groups reducing the intensity of pain occurred against the background of physiotherapy simultaneously with a reduction in anxiety. Conclusions. Thus, even an isolated application of physical rehabilitation of patients with spinal osteochondrosis is effective and does not always require pharmacological support.


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Як цитувати

Кyreev I., Zhabotynska, N., & Kazarinova, M. (2019). Efficiency methods of physical rehabilitation of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Анали Мечниковського Інституту, (1), 101–103. вилучено із https://journals.uran.ua/ami/article/view/190447



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