Antibacterial properties of pharmaceutical composition of hepatoprotectors


  • M Aslanian National University of Pharmacy,
  • L Bobrytska National University of Pharmacy,
  • T Osolodchenko Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology,

Ключові слова:

antibacterial properties, hepatoprotektors, lavender oil, flamin, tablets


Pathology problemof hepatobiliary system (HBS) of contagious origin becomes relevant with the increase of disturbance and complications of lipid metabolism and bile pigments among young people. Leading role in prophylaxis and treatment in the context of this pathology belongs to antibacterialc hemotherapeutic agents. However, along with antimicrobial activity, numerous side effects can be observed during treatment with antibacterial agents. According to the recent study on hepatobiliary system (HBS), therapeutic effect can be seen only while using herbal medicine with choleretic action as well as their various compositions.Amountof medicine with the appropriate effect is insufficient, that is why the study was conducted towards finding effective combinations of plant substances of different groups for the purpose of creatingan effective medicine for treatment of hepatobiliary system (HBS) of contagious origin. Aim of the work The purpose of study was to examine antibacterial properties of different combinations with flamin and lavender oil in combined medicine during the course of treatment of cholecystitis and cholangitis. Materials and methods. It the result of study 61 microbial strains were distinguished and identified from the pathological material taken from 53 patients with cholecystitis and cholangitis. All distinguished clinical microbial strains taken from the patients were tested for sensitivity to combined medicine in the form of tablets with flamin and lavender oil.  Minimal inhibitory concentration for S.  aureus АТСС 25923 amounted to 250-350 ug/ml, for E.  coli АТСС 25922 - 350±50,0 ug/ml, for P. aeruginosa АТСС 27853 750±100,0 ug/ml, for Р. vulgaris АТСС  4636 - 850±100,0 ug/ml,  minimal inhibitory concentration to the tablets № 2 та № 3 amounted to > 1000 мкг/мл. Minimal inhibitory concentration for B. subtilis АТСС 6633 amounted to 250±50,0 ug/ml, for C. albicans  ATCC 885/653   300±50,0 ug/ml. Compared to the tablets No. 2 and No. 3, where minimal inhibitory concentration was higher and amounted to 350-550 ug/ml. Results and discussion. Minimal inhibitory concentration for S.  aureus amounted to 250-300 ug/ml, for S. epidermidis 150-250 ug/ml, for  S.  agalactiae and E.  faecalis 300-400 ug/ml, for  E.  coli,  K. pneumonia,  E. cloaceae – 400-750 ug/ml. Minimal inhibitory concentration for anaerobic bacteriae  (P. niger,  P.  anaerobius,  Fusobacterium  spp, B. fragilis) -300-550 ug/ml , minimal inhibitory concentration to the tablets № 2 та № 3 amounted to  450-650ug/ml. Minimal inhibitory concentration for  C. albicans  300-400 ug/ml. Compared to the tablets No. 2 and No. 3, where minimal inhibitory concentration was higher and amounted to 450-600 ug/ml. To sum up the results of the conducted experimental studies of combined capsules with flamin and lavender oil we can make a conclusion that the most effective against the different clinical microorganism andfungi strains is a combination of flamin 0.05 g, 0.02 g lavender oil (tablets No. 1), which makes it possible to preparecombined medicine for pathologies of  hepatobiliary system (HBS). Conclusions. To sum up the results of experimental studies of combined capsules which consist of flamin and lavender oil we can make a conclusion that the most effective remedy for different clinical microorganism and fungi strains is a combination of flamin 0.05 g, 0.02 g lavender oil (tablets No. 1), which gives the opportunity to prepare combined medicine for pathologies of  hepatobiliary system (HBS).

Pathologyproblemof hepatobiliary system (HBS) of contagious origin becomes relevant with the increase of disturbance and complications of lipid metabolism and bile pigments among young people. Leading role in prophylaxis and treatment in the context of this pathology belongs to antibacterialchemotherapeutic agents. However, along with antimicrobial activity, numerous side effects can be observed during treatment with antibacterial agents. According to the recent study on hepatobiliary system (HBS), therapeutic effect can be seen only while using herbal medicine with choleretic action as well as their various compositions.Amountof medicine with the appropriate effect is insufficient, that is why the study was conducted towards finding effective combinations of plant substances of different groups for the purpose of creatingan effective medicine for treatment of hepatobiliary system (HBS) of contagious origin. Aim of the workThe purpose of study was to examine antibacterial properties of different combinations with flamin and lavender oil in combined medicineduring the course of treatment of cholecystitis and cholangitis. Materials and methods. It the result of study 61 microbial strains were distinguished and identified from the pathological material taken from 53 patients with cholecystitis and cholangitis. All distinguished clinical microbial strains taken from the patients were tested for sensitivity to combined medicine in the form of tablets with flamin and lavender oil.  Minimal inhibitory concentration for S.  aureus АТСС 25923 amounted to 250-350 ug/ml, for E.  coliАТСС 25922 - 350±50,0ug/ml, for P. aeruginosa АТСС 27853 750±100,0ug/ml, for Р. vulgaris АТСС  4636 - 850±100,0ug/ml,  minimal inhibitory concentration to the tablets № 2 та № 3 amounted to > 1000 мкг/мл. MinimalinhibitoryconcentrationforB. subtilis АТСС 6633 amountedto250±50,0 ug/ml,forC. albicans  ATCC 885/653   300±50,0ug/ml. Compared to the tablets No. 2 and No. 3, where minimal inhibitory concentration was higher and amounted to 350-550 ug/ml. Results and discussion. Minimal inhibitory concentration for S.  aureus amounted to 250-300 ug/ml, for S. epidermidis 150-250 ug/ml, for  Sagalactiaeand Efaecalis300-400 ug/ml, for  E.  coli, K. pneumonia, E. cloaceae – 400-750ug/ml. Minimalinhibitoryconcentrationfor anaerobic bacteriae  (P. niger,  PanaerobiusFusobacterium  spp, B. fragilis) -300-550 ug/ml , minimal inhibitory concentration to the tablets № 2 та № 3 amounted to 450-650ug/ml.Minimalinhibitoryconcentrationfor C. albicans  300-400 ug/ml. Compared to the tablets No. 2 and No. 3, where minimal inhibitory concentration was higher and amounted to 450-600 ug/ml. To sum up the results of the conducted experimental studies of combined capsules with flamin and lavender oil we can make a conclusion that the most effective against the different clinical microorganism andfungi strains is a combination of flamin 0.05 g, 0.02 g lavender oil (tablets No. 1), which makes it possible to preparecombined medicine for pathologies of  hepatobiliary system (HBS).Conclusions. To sum up the results of experimental studies of combined capsules which consist of flamin and lavender oil we can make a conclusion that the most effective remedy for different clinical microorganism and fungi strains is a combination of flamin 0.05 g, 0.02 g lavender oil (tablets No. 1), which gives the opportunity to prepare combined medicine for pathologies of  hepatobiliary system (HBS).


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Як цитувати

Aslanian, M., Bobrytska, L., & Osolodchenko, T. (2020). Antibacterial properties of pharmaceutical composition of hepatoprotectors. Анали Мечниковського Інституту, (4), 102–106. вилучено із



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